Saturday, September 27, 2008

Read a good book about Japan lately?

I've been reading some very good Japanese books, all on order for our library.

Chibi: A True Story From Japan by Barbara Benner and Julia Takaya. A story about a duck who has nine ducklings in the middle of Tokyo, near an eight-lane road; the road that stands between their current little pond and the big pond of the Emporer's Palace where the mother duck wants to bring her children. It reminds me of Make Way for Ducklings, the 1942 Caldecott winner.

Old Man Mad About Drawing: A Tale of Hokusai by Francois Place

We have many students who are interested in manga and drawing at BG. This book is about an artist from Japan in the early 1800s who is the original manga artist. It's a fun story about a young boy who wants to be an artist and how Hokusai helps him. There's lots of pictures and art work too. Did you know manga means "thought up drawings"?

Hiroshima by Lawrence Yep

Hiroshima is the city where I'll be staying for 8 days. In 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima which killed thousands of people and made others very sick from the radiation. This is a book based on the true events of that time from a twelve year old girl who survived the bombing.


Anonymous said...

will you take the books back to birch grove? Kimberly

Anonymous said...

Wow! I hope it's fun in Japan. I always wanted to go there myself, and your lucky to go there. Have a good time. Your friend Jahlon W.

Anonymous said...

CHIRBI does the ducks make it across to the other pond? Tou Lee

Anonymous said...

Have you ever read the story Old Man Mad About Drawings? If you have what is it about? I really want to know the story sounds like it would be really fuuny and cool.

Anonymous said...

Old man mad about drawings
how di you know manga means thought up drawings, did you learn it from the internet?!

Anonymous said...

I hope you bring a japaness book with real japaness letter. OK.BYE! =]